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Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Eight Practical, Realizable Goals
Bishops Teaching Children
A Practical Method
By Which Roman Catholic Bishops
Can Personally Direct
The Religious Education
Of the Children of Their Dioceses
John Kelleher
Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
Written in the Year of the Great Jubilee
A.D. 2000
- A Roman Catholic bishop can make himself personally
responsible and directly accountable for the religious education
of the Roman Catholic children in his diocese
- He can completely circumvent all religious education
bureaucracies, whether in a national conference, a Catholic
college or university, or his diocesan office, and take direct
charge of the religious instruction of Roman Catholic children in
his diocese
- He can personally and decisively defend the orthodoxy of what
is taught to every child in his diocese
- He can personally shift the focus of all religious education
in his diocese away from debates about educational methods and
toward what children actually know and have learned about their
- He can directly create a climate that rewards and encourages
the development of sophisticated and orthodox understandings of
the faith in every Catholic
- He can personally ensure that all religious education is
directly based on the Catechism of the Catholic
- Some number of bishops could voluntarily combine their
individual efforts for greater effectiveness and efficiency,
while each would remain personally and directly responsible and
accountable for religious education in his diocese, and while the
cooperating bishops would automatically retain complete and
direct control of any coordinating agency
- Roman Catholic bishops from all over the world could directly
assist the religious education of Catholic children in many
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