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The Old Testament in the Heart of the Catholic Church

Download instructions

This is the latest OTHCC revision/edition dated: February 9, 2003.
OTHCC is now in its final, stable form.

Word-of-mouth, which operates outside of "normal channels," is an enormous treasure and has proved to be a key resource for OTHCC. People have to know about OTHCC's existence before they can have the opportunity to see for themselves just how it can benefit them and their families.

Before you download, do your part to help make OTHCC available to everybody. Tell someone else about it. Inform your friend or family member of the existence of OTHCC at this site. The emails you send have proved to be an important resource for spreading the word about OTHCC.

Please read the following license:

The Old Testament in the Heart of the Catholic Church (OTHCC) is copyright (c) 2001 John Kelleher. You have the right to download the course and install it on your computer. You have no other rights. For instance, you do not have the right to distribute or sell copies of the course. Anyone who wants a copy of the course must visit this site to get it. Persons have been known to distribute altered or even virus-infected material. If you have a copy of OTHCC that is not from this site, destroy it and download from this site. OTHCC is distributed free of charge and "AS IS," with no warranty at all. Every effort has been made to create a safe and beneficial course, but you have absolutely no warranty or other guarantee of that, or of anything else for that matter. You are strongly encouraged to have up-to-date virus-detecting software examine any files you download, from this site or any other, BEFORE you open them.

If you have a Palm-type PDA, please click here to download OTHCC for Palm OS.

Downloading OTHCC for your desktop computer

Please note: The following directions are pretty simple, but they assume that you already have a modest familiarity with computers. If you are a complete computer novice, you may have some trouble following them. The solution will almost invariably be asking someone who knows a little bit about computers to sit down at your computer and download and install OTHCC for you.

1. Create a folder on your hard drive where you want OTHCC to be (C:\OTHCC, for example).

2. If you are a PC user, download both install.txt and othcc.exe to that folder. If you are a Mac (or other non-PC) user, download both install.txt and to that folder.

3. This is not a requirement, but it is always best to check downloaded files with virus-protection software (if you have it) BEFORE opening them.

4. The OTHCC distribution is 'zipped' (compressed). PC users can double-click on 'othcc.exe', a program which automatically un-zips the OTHCC distribution. When the 'Destination Directory' message box appears, use Browse to find your newly-created OTHCC directory (for example, C:\OTHCC) and extract the files into that folder.

5. Mac and other non-PC users must un-zip '' into their OTHCC directory.

6. That's basically all you need to do. You might think about finding the file 'contents.html' (that's the Table of Contents) in your OTHCC folder and putting a shortcut (a link to it) on your Desktop. That makes getting to OTHCC very convenient. PC users: there is a detailed explanation of how to do this in install.txt.

7. Once everything is un-zipped to your OTHCC folder, double-click on the aptly-named 'beginhere.html', and get started!

RIGHT-Click on the correct two links and 'Save Link As' (Netscape) or 'Save Target As' (Internet Explorer) to Download:

install.txt (2.5 KB) - contains these instructions in a convenient form
othcc.exe (701 KB) - OTHCC distribution for PC users (619 KB) - OTHCC distribution for Mac and other non-PC users

OTHCC for Palm OS

By using the free Plucker viewer (available here), you can now view and work with the entire OTHCC course using your Palm OS PDA. You must download all three files below to a place on your hard drive, and then use your Install tool to install them on your PDA.

RIGHT-Click on all three links below and 'Save Link As' (Netscape) or 'Save Target As' (Internet Explorer) to Download:

othcc.pdb (557 KB) - OTHCC distribution for Palm OS
viewer_en.prc (270 KB) - the Plucker viewer
SysZLib.prc (71 KB) - a needed Plucker auxiliary file

copyright (c) 2001 John Kelleher. All rights reserved.

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