48     Chapter 4    
      If that illustration is seen to resemble certain other of the
illustrations in this book, the reader is assured that the resemblance is
fully intentional.
      To summarize the conclusions:
To be reasonable
is in the end to be logical, which means, to
show that all your little sentences are necessary implications of
Bigger ones.
The quest for meaning
comes down to the search for
necessary reasons, for Truths that are true, because they can't not
be true.
The search for meaning
is a search for Causes, which are
the Bigger sentences that necessarily imply littler ones.
Either there is no inherent meaning
in just one of
anything, in the "material singular," including just one of us, or we
are Ones in motion. We are either inherently meaningful but only
arbitrarily related -- Ones in motion -- or we are inherently related
but only meaningful by implication -- little sentences that are
logical implications of Bigger ones.
Meaning is in the end
incompatible with "freedom," since
Cause, necessary implications, rules out "freedom" -- as does
Chance, arbitrary implications.
Real meaning
ultimately has to be time-less.
Here is the reason they are important to understanding
Covenantal Theology:
      According to Fr. Keefe, Catholic theology must refuse every one of
      They all must be refused -- but not because they are illogical. To
the contrary, they are eminently logical consequences of the paradigm
being discussed in these chapters. If this is not understood, then the full
weight of Fr. Keefe's meaning can not be known.

N.B. This is an html-ized copy of a page from the pdf file, The Knucklehead's Guide to Covenantal Theology.

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