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The Old Testament in the Heart of the Catholic
Reviews Page
Dear Mr. Kelleher: Thanks for letting me know about the
website. I only wish that millions (literally) of Catholics could
not only know of it, but plug into it, so to speak! God bless.
Tom Howard
28 September 2001
professor of literature, St. John's Seminary, archdiocese of
author of Becoming a Catholic Even If You Happen to Be One
(Ignatius Press)
an entirely unique educational service brilliantly directed to
the correction of the wholly inadequate catechetical education in
Scripture currently offered in many if not most of our dioceses.
This catechetical program insists upon what is indispensable, yet
is routinely ignored where it is not denied, viz., the
indissociability of the Scriptures and the teaching Church. It
demonstrates the consequent unintelligibility of any reading of
the Scriptures that would dispense from their single liturgical
Sitz im Leben, the Eucharistic Sacrifice wherein the free
unity of the Old Testament and the New is historically achieved
and is perennially proclaimed --- this by a Magisterium whose
sole warrant to teach is their episcopal succession to the
Apostolic responsibility for the Church's worship in Truth.
Kelleher's extraordinarily skilful deployment of this crucial
insight has produced a program of catechetical study unparalleled
in the Catholic academy today. We look forward to its New
Testament sequel. The availability of this program by mere
subscription to a website now frees Catholic parents from any
need to submit their children to the academic incompetence and
the routine doctrinal dissent long typical of official diocesan
programs in "biblical studies."
Donald J. Keefe, S.J.
21 June 2002
dogmatic theologian
Visiting Professor, Sacred Heart Seminary, Archdiocese of
author of Covenantal Theology: The Eucharistic Order of
History (Presidio Press)