Essays Towards a Covenantal Moral Theology

John Kelleher

If Fr. Keefe's argument in Covenantal Theology is right, then perforce moral theology -- which unapologetically assumes and relies on a foundation in systematic theology -- has to be rethought, as well.

It seemed obvious that somebody qualified would recognize this and begin that work. But nobody did. So began a series of essays "towards" a covenantal moral theology.

This also ought to be obvious, but best to say it out loud: Fr. Keefe bears zero responsibility for these essays. Covenantal Theology stands or falls on the basis of what he wrote.


N.B. Beginning with the third essay in this series, I began to use the words, "covenantal moral theologies." It is shorthand for "I hope that there will eventually be an inquiry among faithful Catholics called covenantal moral theology. Contest is the soul of an inquiry; therefore there will be competing variants within that inquiry (theologies). I think -- my personal opinion is -- that the following would apply in all possible versions of covenantal moral theology."


Essays Towards a Covenantal Moral Theology

(These are listed in chronological order -- not logical order, systematic order, or any other kind of order. They merely feel their way 'towards' one aspect or another of a Covenantal Moral Theology.)

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